We are a registered charity (Registered Charity No: 251356), our Patron is The Marquess of Bristol, and we support the West Suffolk Hospital through fundraising from subscriptions, donations and legacies including funds raised by volunteers in the Friends Shop and Trolley Service, and our NEW Online Shop. Go to the OnLine Shop
The Friends of the West Suffolk Hospital are people like YOU – of all ages and from all walks of life who are interested in supporting their local hospital. You too can help the Friends to help the West Suffolk Hospital by becoming a member, donating and volunteering.
Our History
We have been functioning for over 30 years. We are a registered charity, raising funds to provide items for the Hospital, its Patients, Staff and Visitors.
What we’ve raised
Over the last 10 years the Friends have donated over £1,055,000 to the Hospital.
If you like people then this is the volunteer role for you. More volunteers are needed to help in the Shop and take the sales trolleys to the Wards.